The Origin Comes Alive
Miracle Free

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REVISION-4 will be released as of September 2022 along with a new sub-title: "At home with the Divine Presence"

Where can this book be purchased? 
On Amazon and many other online stores worldwide. However, at this time, the paperback may not be found in local books stores - you'll have to order it via an online retailer.

Is this book available in formats for eReaders like Kindle and Nook?
Yes, it is available in Kindle and ePub formats viewable on specific eReaders as well as tablets and phones.

What about complimentary copies?
They are available here only for special interest group leaders.

How does your FREE book giveaway work?
This is for the eBook only. There are two different editions available to giveaway. The SAMPLE EDITION (Not-For-Sale) is a very short version which downloads directly to an .ePub reader app - This is not currently available. The FULL EDITION is limited during the Promotional-Period.

Occasionally, we'll run a Promotion for a Limited-Time giving away a copy of the FULL EDITION eBook to the first 25 qualifying requests. Go to the Books Page to learn more..

I'm having trouble viewing my eBook on certain devices.
The eBook is formated for viewing on most devices and eReaders such as Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Sony, etc. If you move it to your tablet, phone or computer, it may not appear exactly like these proprietary eReaders. If you have converted it to pdf, it also may not look the same on different devices, especially computer. This is the nature of eBooks, and there is little you can do about it.

Will I be able to read this eBook on an older computer?
Some very old computers may not install the more recent eReader viewer.  It is a matter of trial and error to see what will work.

How do I contact you about technical issues and other questions?
You can leave a note here concerning issues  with this site or about any of our books. (NOTE: We do not respond to any solicitations.)

Where I can leave a comment about the book?  Go here. If we like your comment, we may choose to show it on the 'Comments' page. (Note: We do not display any comment that appears to "bash" the book. However, courteous constructive criticism is acceptable.)

 REVISION-3 release for 2021 -New Look...Same Book
Does something look different? Beginning January 2021 this book will not only have a new cover and theme, but has many interior changes. These changes are necessary for targeting a wider genre audience. The old book cover suggested that maybe it was a children's is not!

Q&A with Cale Rainer

Wow, I can't believe what I've just read - All kinds of stuff I've never heard before. But how do I know this is true?
You will know this through your memory.  What this book is trying to do is to get the memory out so you can prove it to yourself.

I just read your book... Why do I feel so blindsided?
Surprise! There is a surprise around every other corner in life - here is another one.

There isn't much book description. Why is this?
This is a short book with several surprises. We don't want to give away to much information before you read.

How long has this project been around?
It actually began in 1997, but the very first notes were taken to form the first manuscript in 1998.  It then took many years to prove the information was correct and to organize it into readable form. It's been twenty-years, and counting, since the start of this project.

??   QUIZ   ??

What age group is most likely to realize the Divine Presence of our origin?

How many behaviors make up the Divine Presence?

Can you name the two live identities that make life grow and prosper?

What four-letter word is the 'Missing Link' between Belief in God and a Reality of God?

Answers: Go Fish

"A surprise for the entire family"


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