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Excerpt from "The Origin Comes Alive"

There are two types of dreams: day dreams, and sleepy dreams. Day dreams are conscious, deliberate thoughts from inside the mind that create stories that may or may not become real. Conversely, sleepy dreams happen when you are asleep, and are not deliberate, but sometimes seem very real.

In order for the sleepy dream to happen, you first have to imagine that there are certain parts of the human brain that process thought. There are two types of thoughts: the ones coming in, and those going out. There are also two memory areas for these thoughts: conscious and storage.

Thoughts are processed by the conscious memory area of the brain. Incoming thoughts are temporarily held in this active conscious area during the day, while awake, where they are used for communication. But they are moved to a permanent storage memory area elsewhere in the brain, while asleep. The conscious memory acts sort of like a mixing-bowl, where thoughts enter from both the storage area and those that come in from activities experienced during the day. Memories held in both the conscious and storage areas are thoughts acquired in life activities after birth (Acquired thoughts).

Now imagine, that during sleep, there is a file clerk at a desk between the conscious and the storage memory areas. This clerk is responsible for evaluating and sorting conscious thoughts, then filing each thought in a particular space in the storage memory. During the day the conscious memory is active, meticulously organizing each thought, while the storage memory is relatively inactive. During sleep this reverses, and most of the activity takes place in the storage memory. While in both memory areas, thoughts are very well organized. Yet, the filing process is a rather disorganized, random process of evaluation, because thoughts are separately evaluated in order to locate the proper space for each to occupy in the storage memory.

If the conscious memory should become slightly active during the evaluation process, you would be aware of each thought in the order they were being processed. This results in creating a little movie that we call a "dream." But because the order of processing is like a random, collision of thoughts, more often than not, the dream will not make any logical sense.

After you have become aware of the filing process as a dream, it is then filed  as one composite thought -- separate from the other individual thoughts, and occupying its own space in the storage memory area, where it can be recalled when prompted. This is why some dreams can be re-run several times throughout ones' lifetime, as they were originally dreamed.

    "Life is but a Dream... until you learn how to make it real"

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